This masterpiece is by Shen Shixi, China’s most acclaimed animal story writer. Scarface the Mother Jackal is about the vital connection between the most unlikely of allies—jackals and humans and the bonds that tie them.
Scarface and her pack of rare golden-back jackals live a difficult life. Hated and misunderstood, they live in the shadows. When Champa, the village hunter vengefully captures the jackals’ young pups, he tries to use them as lure to wipe out the entire pack. Despite Scarface’s and her pack’s help, the villagers want the jackals expelled forever.
Hunted down, the pack must flee their home. Soon, the villagers see that life without the jackals is not the paradise they once imagined. Without the pack, the grasslands are dying and the entire community faces a grave crisis. Now, Champa must find and bring back the jackals they once exiled or risk losing everything…
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